Monday, March 19, 2012

Goals for the week. Part 3

The picture pretty much says it all. I had a couple things come up during the week that messed up my schedule, but I was pretty lazy during the weekend. I guess I came pretty close to some of my goals, and I am thinking that for my Friday flash stories, I'm going to try to have a couple polished stories ready to go in case I have a brutal work schedule sprung on me Thursday...but anyways I may have had a setback, but I'm going to keep moving forward.

1) edit and polish one my flash stories to post for #fridayflash. FAIL
2) draft the short story I outlined. 3/4 DONE
3) draft another flash story. DONE
4) start the outline for the novel idea I came up with. DONE
5) finish get at least two rounds of edits into an old short story. ONE ROUND DONE
6) get half-way done with Self-Editing for Fiction Writers. DONE

This week I hope to finish up those things I did not get to as well as the following new things:

1) Have two flash stories polished by Friday.
2) Get a rough outline for the new novel completed
3) Finish Self-Editing for Fiction Writers.
4) Get a third round of edits done with my short story.

Again, the long term goals for this month stay pretty much the same with a couple additions

1) publish on my blog a flash story each week.
2) draft at least 2 short stories intended for submission.
3) have an outline for my next novel completed.
4) do this goals thing.
5) read Self-Editing for Fiction Writers.
6) have a short story and flash fiction story ready for submission to contests and/or lit magazines.

Wish me luck with these and be sure to hold me feet to the fire.


Maria March 21, 2012 at 2:50 AM  

I wouldn't beat yourself up, you are doing great by just listing your 'to do' list and working through it.

If I have a week where I don't manage to get stuff done, I tend to give myself an easier week, and always a treat!

This seems to pull me back on track. Keep going! You're doing great!

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