Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Furiously Editing

Right now I'm furiously editing my novel, Bleed Well, as well as my query and synopsis. My goal is to be submitting come the end of August, and so far I'm slightly ahead of my goal, so that's cool. But all this manic work is making me set aside writing my weekly Friday Flash, finally get around to writing that review of the book Dervish House, and posting other writerly stuff.

Hopefully come September I will have lots of insight though as to how fast one can really edit without the aid of non-chocolate forms of caffeine and I'll get back to flash fiction.

Also, perhaps sometime in September as well I will have finished re-designing my blog with my wife and we'll open that up to the world. I'm pretty excited for that.

Until then, I'll be lurking around your blogs and twitter.

Wish me luck 


Chuck Allen August 27, 2011 at 9:20 PM  

Good luck! I've been wondering why you haven't had any stories, but I'm glad to hear that you're busy editing. Have fun.

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