Monday, March 12, 2012

Goals for the week. Part 2

Alright, It's been a week since I posted my first set of weekly/monthly goals and it's time to see how I did. Overall I'm pretty pleased with myself in that I got everything done. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be, and it looks like this type of system might be exactly what I need to make sure that I'm always working in the most efficient manner possible. So to review last week, here's what I said I would do and what I actually did.

1) edit and polish one my flash stories to get me back into the #fridayflash world.: DONE
2) outline a short story. : DONE
3) draft at least 2 more flash stories. : DONE
4) come up with an idea for my next novel. : DONE

Other stuff I accomplished was starting the editing process on a short story I wrote last summer as well as starting the book Self-Editing for Fiction Writers.

This week here is what I hope to do:

1) edit and polish one my flash stories to post for #fridayflash
2) draft the short story I outlined
3) draft another flash story.
4) start the outline for the novel idea I came up with
5) finish get at least two rounds of edits into an old short story
6) get half-way done with Self-Editing for Fiction Writers

Again, the long term goals for this month stay pretty much the same with a couple additions

1) publish on my blog a flash story each week.
2) draft at least 2 short stories intended for submission.
3) have an outline for my next novel completed.
4) do this goals thing.
5) read Self-Editing for Fiction Writers.
6) have a short story and flash fiction story ready for submission to contests and/or lit magazines.

Wish me luck with these and be sure to hold me feet to the fire.


Rebecca Bloomer March 13, 2012 at 4:20 PM  

Dear Lord! That's quite a list. Mine usually consists of 1. get out of bed every day. 2. supervise and educate child. 3. write when possible 4. don't forget to eat.

Craig Smith March 16, 2012 at 12:33 PM  

Very productive Michael! I need to setup a system like that for myself.

And look forward to reading your #fridayflash when you post it.

John Wiswell March 16, 2012 at 10:02 PM  

How'd the work on the outline pan out, Michael?

Unknown March 18, 2012 at 10:13 AM  

Thanks for you comments. Unfortunately I was stuck with a 26hr shift at work when I was planning on polishing my flash, so I missed that goal :( However everything else is still on track.

And John, the outline is pretty solid I think. I guess I'll find out once I start revising that draft of the story.

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